Maastricht University Holland Scholarships for International Students

by Administrator
2 minutes read

Maastricht University Holland Scholarships Brief description:

For highly talented students outside of the European Union (EU), who are admitted to a Master’s program at Maastricht University (UM), the Holland-High Potential Scholarship Programme offers 24 full scholarships totalling EUR29.000, including tuition fee waivers and monthly stipends.
The Holland High-potential Scholarship is a combination of a Holland Scholarship and a High Potential Scholarship.

Host Institution (s):

Maastricht University, Netherlands

Study area:

This scholarship program includes a list of Master’s programs. Soon, the updated list will be made available on the official website.

Numbers of Awards:


Target group:

Students from abroad who are not citizens of the EU/EEA can apply.
Scholarship value/inclusions
The scholarship covers living expenses (EUR12 350 – 13 Months; EUR23 775 – 25 Months), health and liability insurance costs (EUR700), visa application fees (EUR192), tuition fees (EUR13 800, EUR16,000, or EUR16 800, depending on your study program) and pre-academic training.
The Potential High scholarship is available for the duration of the Master’s program – 13 months for one-year Master’s programmes and 25 for two-year Master’s programmes.


All applicants must meet the following requirements:
* You are a national of a country other than the EU/EEA, and you meet the requirements to obtain an entry visa or residence permit to the Netherlands.
* You cannot hold double citizenship from an EU/EEA member country.
* You have submitted your application for admission to the full-time Master’s program at Maastricht University in the 2022-2023 academic calendar (available on the official website in October 2021).
* You have met the admission requirements for the UM Master’s program to which you applied.
* You have not participated in any degree-seeking higher educational programme, primary or secondary education program in the Netherlands. Exchange students from the Netherlands are encouraged to apply.
* You must not be older than 35 years old by September 1, 2022.
* You have excellent grades in your previous education programs, as evidenced by your most recent grade transcript or certificate of academic excellence. We will prefer applicants with a certified letter of academic excellence or academic transcript that demonstrate they are amongst the top 5% of 2022/23 scholarship program applicants.

Instructions for application:

You must first register at Maastricht University’s Master’s Programme (MA) to apply for the scholarship. After you submit your application via Studielink, you will be issued a student ID number. This will allow you to fill out and submit the Scholarship Application form. The application form must be completed, uploaded with the necessary documents and submitted online. The deadline for applications is January 20, 2022.
To access the application form and detailed information about applying for the scholarship, you must visit the official website (link below).
Deadline: 1 Feb 2022 (annual)
Study in:  Netherlands
Course starts September 2022


Official Scholarship Website:

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