Apply Now: BUTEX Scholarship Program 2022

by Administrator
2 minutes read

What is the BUTEX Scholarship Program?

BUTEX scholarship offers various scholarships each year to international students studying for a semester or an entire academic year. These scholarships are available to both inbound students who study at a BUTEX member institution or outbound students who study at member institutions.

What is BUTEX?

British Universities Transnational Exchange membership organization has an elected executive committee. It promotes mobility between colleges and universities in the UK and those abroad. BUTEX believes collaboration is essential and facilitates it by creating regular information exchanges between its members.

BUTEX Scholarship Value

Each scholarship has a value of PS500. The winners are given as soon as they register at their university.

Who is eligible to receive a BUTEX scholarship?

Scholarships are available to undergraduate students of a BUTEX member college. If you are:

  • You are an outbound or an inbound student enrolled at one of the BUTEX member institutions.
  • You were offered a study abroad/exchange opportunity (which is not eligible for an ERASMUS grant).
  • Your placement will last from one semester to one full year.

BUTEX Scholarship Application Guide

Once you have determined whether you are eligible for a BUTEX scholarship, you can begin the application process. You should never take the application process for any scholarship lightly. This is the most crucial part of receiving an award. You should pay particular attention to it, especially when applying for highly competitive scholarships such as BUTEX.

Also Apply: British Council Scholarships Without IELTS in 2022

Two application options are available. You can either:

  • Send a poster or photo promoting study abroad to students at your university.
  • Answer the following question Please give an example of how an experience abroad influenced alumni’s professional and personal development from your host institution or home.

How do I submit the poster?

BUTEX Scholarship Program

The poster must be A4 in landscape or portrait. You will need to provide the following information when filling out the application form:

  • First and last names
  • Home University
  • Host University
  • Degree Title
  • Status (Incoming/Outgoing student)
  • BUTEX Institution
  • Placement Duration
  • Email
  • Upload poster

How do I submit my answer?

You will need to submit the answer to the following question.

Please give an example of how an experience abroad influenced alumni’s professional and personal development from your institution or home.

Keep in mind that your answer does not have to be a lengthy essay or a piece of writing. However, answering the question clearly and including the essential details.

What happens if I win the award

You must agree to submit a photo of yourself and a brief statement about the benefits of studying abroad if you are awarded the BUTEX scholarship. This could be used by BUTEX for future publicity.

As soon as you register at your university and arrive, the scholarship amount will be given to you.

For more infomation about the scholarship Click HERE

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